
How to Succeed on LinkedIn

Four years ago, Senior Security Consultant Mike Miller was new to 417-land and looking to meet new people. Today, he is a LinkedIn Top Voice teaching others how to succeed on the platform—and in life.

By Jennifer Johnmeyer

Sep 2024

Mike Miller
Photo by Katy St. ClairUp your LinkedIn game with tips from Mike Miller. Purchase Photo

Talking to Mike Miller feels like catching up with an old friend. A self-described “extreme extrovert,” Miller moved to southwest Missouri four years ago eager to build new connections. 

“I was in tech/cyber security for 25 to 30 years before selling my business and moving here, which led to a career identity crisis,” he says. “I thought, surely I have something of value I can give. I went to LinkedIn and made a post or two, but I didn’t know what I was doing.” 

However, Miller pushed through the uncertainty and continued to work on developing a steady presence on LinkedIn, and his efforts have garnered success. Now a LinkedIn Top Voice, Miller has picked up some cool experiences on his journey, including being flown to the platform’s headquarters to record classes that are now on LinkedIn Learning, as well as securing branding deals. “It’s a level playing field,” he says. “You or anyone else has the same opportunity. I teach the process, but I can’t make you do the work.”

Having learned a lot along the way, Miller offers these tips for anyone looking to gain visibility on the platform.

Don’t sell, but build trust. People are numb to advertisements and promotions. Utilize your LinkedIn accounts by educating, entertaining and giving valuable information.

Log in daily and interact. If you treat LinkedIn like a career, it will make a career for you. LinkedIn is the largest networking party on the planet. Show up at the party daily.

Be authentic. Don’t try to do what someone else does. How does your business stand out? How are you different? Leverage those things.

Have fun. LinkedIn is a fun place to be. If you aren’t having fun, you’re doing it wrong. See you at the party!
