Convoy of Hope's CEO Published a New Book: Disruptive Compassion
In his new book Disruptive Compassion, Convoy of Hope CEO Hal Donaldson guides his readers on a path to make a difference and give back.
By Ettie Berneking
May 2020

Grab a highlighter and a pen because this is one of those books you’re going to end up adding into your private collection. Disruptive Compassion: Becoming the Revolutionary You Were Born to Be is the latest book by Hal Donaldson. The southwest Missourian is CEO of Convoy of Hope. But unlike other CEOs and business tycoons who have put their business tips and leadership methods down in ink, Donaldson’s message is geared less toward the office and more toward your personal commitment to helping others in your community.
Disruptive Compassion is all about… you guessed it, compassion. Within its pages, Donaldson has created a roadmap for readers who want some guidance on how to make a difference in the world in which they live. Whether the change they seek is small or truly disruptive, Donaldson is there to help as a guide. Chapters are broken down by steps including Believe, Define the Mission, Build a Team and Measure Outcomes—all actionable and easily digested by the average reader who is likely overwhelmed by the amount of community need in today’s world.
To help his reader relate to his own journey and eventual creation of Convoy of Hope, Donaldson shares plenty of colorful anecdotes from his days as a journalist. Chapters find him in the red-light district of Detroit and wandering around Moscow and Belfast, all the while confronted by people whose lives he wished he could change or improve. Like his reader, Donaldson was overwhelmed by the depth of the need and felt powerless to help. But eventually, he took a chance and started small, which is exactly what he suggests readers of Disruptive Compassion do, even if starting small is simply grabbing a paper and pen and making a list of the causes you want to take part in.
Where to Find the Book
You can find Donaldson’s book on Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books and anywhere books are sold.