Women Who Mean Business
Amanda Hedgpeth is a Woman Who Means Business
Amanda Hedgpeth, one of Biz 417's 2025 Women Who Mean Business, is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at CoxHealth.
By Taryn Shorr-McKee | Photographed by Brandon Alms
Mar 2025

Amanda Hedgpeth doesn’t seek the spotlight, but her impactful work as CoxHealth’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer has earned her admiration throughout both the organization and the community. Former Women Who Mean Business honoree Joselyn Baldner calls Hedgpeth one of the smartest people she’s ever met and a “unicorn” exemplifying a rare balance of efficiency, accountability and empathy.
When she started at CoxHealth in 2005, Hedgpeth didn’t intend to go into health care—her degree was in accounting. She applied for a role as a budget analyst and over time, her responsibilities expanded, eventually moving her from financials to operations. Hedgpeth became COO in January 2023, her path well-paved by years of demonstrating competence and building trust. “It was years of interviewing,” she laughs, referencing the organization’s extensive vetting process.
One of Hedgpeth’s career highlights is her involvement in restructuring CoxHealth’s internal governance, integrating medical professionals more closely into decision-making processes. “This is something that makes CoxHealth unique, and it’s a pivotal point for us in the way we’re going to lead and govern our organization for the next decade,” Hedgpeth explains. “Having medical experts at the leadership table allows for quicker, more well-rounded decisions.”
It comes as no surprise that Hedgpeth thrives on structure and organization. She’s a self-proclaimed creature of habit, explaining, “The more routine you have, the more bandwidth you free up in your mind for other things.” Hedgpeth also describes herself as a “driver,” action- and results-oriented, with a knack for multitasking and time management. Her calendar doubles as her to-do list, and she uses one integrated system to organize work and family life. “I’m a ‘check the box’ type of person, so if I put it on [my calendar], then it has to come off. And the only way it comes off is by completing the task.”
Despite the complexities of her position, Hedgpeth’s primary focus is family. She and husband Andy have been married for 20 years and share three children: Ella, Reid and Sophie. The couple started out as unlikely high school sweethearts, with Hedgpeth attending Ozark High School and her husband attending rival Nixa. Her dream date? “Not being in a rush, just being able to relax together and talk about something other than kids and the to-do list,” she shares, adding that their favorite restaurants include Char and Avanzare. As a family, the Hedgpeths enjoy the Farmers Park farmers market on Saturday mornings, going to the lake in the summer and hosting gatherings at home.
Hedgpeth’s hostess heart manifests in everything she does, including her remarkable ability to support others amid her demanding career. “It brings me as much joy celebrating somebody else’s successes as my own,” she says. “I want to be surrounded by people that are the biggest cheerleaders for me, and I’m the biggest cheerleader for them.” This translates to her vision for CoxHealth: “My goal is to make it a place where employees, including physicians, want to come to work and are engaged every day.”
What’s your favorite book? Daughters of the Night Sky by Aimie K. Runyan
What’s your favorite way to bust stress? Going out to dinner with my husband and kids
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mommy
What’s your secret superpower? I can be engaged in a conversation and fully listen to another conversation happening around me at the same time.
Who are your role models? I don’t have specific role models. I’ve come in contact with many role models over my career and there are parts I take from each of them.