Jenn Harrison of People Centric discusses how important it is to recognize the difference of personalties when putting people into a group.
By Jenn Harrison | Photo courtesy Shutterstock
May 18 2017 at 6 a.m.

If we look around our offices, we have multiple things plugged in; computers, lights, tvs, phones, iPads, laptops, etc.. For safety and efficiency, we have to be careful we don't plug too many things on one circuit or we trip the breaker. This can sometimes leave us left in the dark, trying to figure out what to unplug, which breaker we need to flip and wishing we could have avoided this issue in the first place.
People in our organizations are like that too. We can plug in a small team of individuals, and everything and everyone is working together smoothly. But then we continue to grow in numbers until we have too many people plugged in, thinking they will all work together. We then reach a threshold and it becomes too much, and issues start to arise, which eventually ends with a blowout. Sometimes a team simply falls apart, which can have an impact on everything else and others in the organization. As a result, we find ourselves in the dark, trying to figure out what the problem is.
To avoid this you have to be wise and know how to best disperse your people. It's important when putting people together in teams to take into consideration the purpose of the team, who and how many need to be in that team. Take into consideration the personalities of those in the team. Make sure it's a good fit for the people, the group and the overall culture of the organization.
It's important to be "People Centric," so you don't find yourself in the dark.