Quiz: Which Team Assessments Should My Office Take?
Team assessments can help you leverage your employees’ strengths and determine if you’re missing any key players in your organization. Don Harkey, chief innovation officer at People Centric Consulting Group, helped us developed this flowchart to help.
By Savannah Waszczuk
Jan 2018

CliftonStrengths Assessment
If you want your employees to learn their natural talents, StrengthsFinder is a great tool. The assessment is built on positive psychology theories and focuses on what individuals do well. What emerges are five words, or talent themes, that represent an individual’s given strengths. “We use it at Evangel as a way of helping our students discover their greatest potential for talent development,” says Gallup-certified strengths coach Jon Spence, the director of the university’s Center for Student Success. Once employees discover their five strengths, they’re easier to coach.
Try it: Contact Jon Spence at Evangel University; 417-300-2424; spencej@evangel.edu
The Hiring Suite Assessment
We’ve all heard it before: Teamwork makes the dream work. “If you want to create a team and help it work together better, I would use The Hiring Suite,” says Don Harkey, chief innovation officer at People Centric Consulting Group. The Hiring Suite breaks down personalities into 10 characteristics that can be scored high to low. When it’s time to pair teams together, you can use this data to help understand who might work well together or where conflict could arise. “The tool itself is designed specifically for employers, which is why we use it as our primary tool,” he says.
Try it: Contact Don Harkey at People Centric Consulting Group; 417-887-6760; donharkey@peopleccg.com
DiSC Personality Assessment
What motivates your employees? To find out, check out the DiSC Personality Assessment. Individuals take the DiSC assessment online or on paper, and they learn their primary and secondary styles of communication. “It gives individuals self-awareness,’” says Randy Will of RG Will Solutions. “Once you understand how you behave and how you are perceived by others, it gives you the opportunity to change or adjust based on a given situation. And once you understand who you are, you can start to read the behaviors in others and tailor how you communicate with them.”
Try it: Contact Randy Will at RG Will Solutions LLC; 417-773-7663; kargwill@yahoo.com
The Kolbe Concept
Instincts are important. That’s the whole mind-set behind the Kolbe Concept and its first-level The Kolbe Index assessment. This tool gives insights to natural tendencies, which becomes extra important during times of crisis or high workload. “By assessing and understanding the instinctive strengths of your individual employees, you will be better able to match the right people with the right positions and increase the productivity of the essential work groups in your organization,” says Adrienne McCoy, who is a Certified Kolbe Consultant and also works at Abacus CPAs.
Try it: Contact Adrienne McCoy at Abacus CPAs; 417-823-7171; amccoy@abacuscpas.com