Matt Battaglia Lets Go with Legos
When the local businessman is not on the clock, find him unleashing his inner child with his lego collection.
By Evan Greenberg
Jul 2018

Photo Courtesy Matt battagliaMatt Battaglia and his sons Brady and Beckett show off their Lego collection.
Matt Battaglia’s relationship with Legos traces back to his childhood. The former Sun Solar CFO has a room in his house for sets he’s built himself and with his sons, Brady and Beckett. They gravitate toward sets from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. “[My wife Andrea] rolls her eyes at me when I talk about needing more space for Legos,” he says. It’s a respite as he and Andrea plan their new business, an e-commerce girls’ clothing wholesaler and retailer called Girls Clothing Hut.

Photo Courtesy Matt battaglia