At Biz 417, we are passionate about helping build better business leaders in our region. In 2024 we are excited to announce two leadership development opportunities that each offer a different level of access and content. From a one-day leadership skills symposium to a six-month full personal and professional development program, read on to select which opportunity is right for you or your employees. In addition, after a successful pilot program, Biz 417 is planning to host a fall and spring session for Remarkable, a women's public speaking course. Learn more about that opportunity here.
Click here to apply!
Biz 417's Emerging Leaders Symposium
In partnership with People Centric Consulting Group
Leaders of all levels are invited to register now for a full-day leadership symposium in partnership with People Centric Consulting Group. This is an opportunity to spend a day learning and refining key principles of leadership. If you have been searching for ways to grow and/or you have employees who are asking for help in leading teams, running effective meetings, managing conflict or strategic decision making, invest in this day to show your commitment to growth. This symposium is meant for entry level leaders up to C-suite leaders and is led and facilitated by Don Harkey and Matt Griswold of People Centric Consulting Group.
Includes a full day of programming, breakfast, lunch and snacks.
This event is intended for in-person but a virtual option will be made available.
Limited to 24 participants.
If you have questions, please email mariya@417mag.com.
Curriculum Outline:
Culture Grid
Learn about the culture grid and managing the different types of people within the grid.
Leadership Styles
Recognize your own style and when to use aspects of other styles. Also learn the most important leadership trait for any leader.
Communication Styles
Take the quiz and determine your own communication style. Learn how to recognize other styles and adapt to others to make communication more effective.
Coaching is a different form of management. Learn what it is and how to effectively utilize the coaching approach.
Team Building
How do you build an effective team and how do we create teams that work well together?
Effective Meetings
We all have to have meetings, what are the best practices for making the most of mundane meetings?
Accountability is the hardest part of any manager's job. Learn how we can effectively hold people accountable, create a culture of accountability and not culture of blame, and get the best results out of your team.