BluCurrent has been the face of credit unions, building better lives together right here in the Ozarks, since 1929. Our credit union is part of 417-landers’ families. That starts with members’ very first Kids Club savings accounts and first checking accounts, and advances through life alongside them with the purchase of their first car, first home and even their business accounts.
Choosing a credit union has big benefits. We offer the banking services and support you need without the big bank bureaucracy. We are one of Springfield’s largest credit union with over 22,000 members, 4 branch locations and over $300 million in assets. We provide access to more than 5,000 shared branches through our unique CU Service Center affiliation, and nearly 30,000 free nationwide ATMs through our CO-OP Network membership.
When you choose to bank at BluCurrent, you choose to support your community. Our credit union’s dollars stay in the community and help our membership thrive. Not only are we local, but we are a not-for-profit organization. Our profits go to community investment, higher interest on deposit products, lower loan rates and improvements to products and services.Choose to bank local. Bank with BluCurrent. Federally insured by NCUA.
4520 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO | 417-887-1983 | blucurrent.org